What is a Property Title Search and Why is it Important?A property title search is a process of ensuring that the property a person is looking to buy does not have any liens or other legal issues. This will protect the buyer from future risk and help them get their money’s worth.A property title search can be done by either the seller or buyer of… Read More

How Can I Do a Property Title Search Online?The internet has made property title searches fast and easy. Property title insurance is vital when purchasing a property because it covers all liens that may be attached to a piece of property. It's the best way to protect your hard-earned money. When you purchase a home, make sure to have the proper ins… Read More

How To Carry Out Land Title SearchWhat can you get from a land title search? The Property / Land Title Searches will reveal the following data: The full name of the owner of the land. It will also give a detailed history of past owners. It will record all legal instruments registered on the title from the date of registration. This includes all pap… Read More

How To Carry Out Land Title SearchWhat can you get from a land title search? The Property / Land Title Searches will reveal the following data: The full name of the owner of the land. It will also give a detailed history of past owners. It will record all legal instruments registered on the title from the date of registration. This includes all pap… Read More

How to Get Title Search Report of Property OnlineHave you ever wanted to know how to get a title search report of property online? If the answer is yes then read on. I will explain how to get a title search report of property online for free. You may be skeptical about getting it for free but hear me out and see the benefits that will come your way… Read More